Today was another great day in Cape Town, we toured the entire city and surrounding areas. Witnessed penguins playing in the sand, climbed two mountains and saw the most popular location for explorers to rest in the early 1600's. But off all that I saw today one thing has me wanting to make a clear statement.
Around lunchtime we stopped at a community center in the township of Oceanview where a group of kids showcased their talents as we enjoyed local cuisine. The first act really through me for a loop it was an openly homosexual drag queen. What really surprised me was everyone's reaction...(no reaction at all). Now personally I have no problem with those of the alternate lifestyle do what makes you happy, on the other hand all my life I have been told that there are no gay Africans. They don't believe in the lifestyle, there's not even a word for it in their languages and in most cases it's punishable by death. Well obviously today all of that was least in the South African community. Now this instance wasn't my first time witnessing a form of the lifestyle since I've been here but it was definitely the defining moment. With all of that being said, I must say if you are of the alternate lifestyle and laws in the other countries of Africa cause you to fear visiting the continent, push those fears aside and visit South Africa. You can be yourself and not have to worry about facing any ridiculous consequences.
Tushay Lil Brother! People often try to suggest that their cultures are somehow immune to what they believe to be western influenced lifestyle choices instead of accepting that all of us are different. Being Afrikan doesn't guarantee heterosexuality anymore than being African American guarantees equal rights....feel me? We are all individual souls created, perfectly in God's image...It is that image that the root of the debate, people are searching for something that they already have inside of them. The universe is much more than we're lead to believe. Keep Learning and Pray for continued Understanding